About the smartest dev

Bashir Souid

Why this Website

The title and URL for this site was intended, partially, as a joke. Despite the fact that coworkers have frequently referred to me as “smart”, I am not the “smartest developer”. Such a thing doesn’t exist.

What they were really seeing in me, was some of the behaviors and characteristics that senior and staff level developers have learned through hard work and perseverance.

I wanted to make a simple website that describes some of the behaviors and characteristics of these “smart” developers. I have tried to use as few words as possible to maximize value for time.

About this Website

I wanted to structure this blog more like a wiki. There should be only a few regularly updated pages and have a clear reading order. This is preferable to me than a traditional blog which has a large number of time-sorted posts which gradually become outdated and obsolete.

This blog/wiki hybrid idea was first popularized by Martin Fowler. My version more closely resembles a wiki.

About the Author

The author for this website is Bashir Souid. I am a Software Development Manager at Qualtrics in Seattle Washington.

Check out my Why Qualtrics story for my experience working here. TLDR: it’s a great place to work.

I am always on the lookout for great developers to join my team. Send me a message on LinkedIn if you are interested.

Currently hiring for these positions: